Why Switch Suppliers

Why Switch Suppliers

Here are 15 reasons why companies should check with multiple suppliers.


  1. Any supplier can put electricity into a grid or gas into a pipeline. That's the easy part. It’s what you pay on your end that counts.
  2. Some suppliers have extremely high pricing for indexed, fixed and hybrid programs.  It's the same gas or electricity going through the same pipeline or power line . . . so why pay more? 
  3. Many suppliers push fixed rates, because they profit more on their fixed rate deals.
  4. Regardless of market trends, some suppliers always push long term fixed rates. If any company has fixed a long term rate of 3-5 years, during the past 5 years, it’s been a costly mistake.
  5. Some suppliers simply provide longer terms and better pricing. We can show you who they are.
  6. Some suppliers have sales staff they pay for selling their commodity and sales "mark ups" are exorbitant.
  7. Some suppliers are more lenient regarding their credit approval process.
  8. Some suppliers simply provide greater pricing options and greater customer satisfaction.
  9. Some suppliers provide beneficial "blend & extend" contract options, while others do not.
  10. Some suppliers provide greater customer service and have on-line portals to view your energy usage.
  11. Some suppliers serve multiple states helping with billing and economies of scale.
  12. Some suppliers have evergreen contract clauses, forcing long-term renewals.
  13. Some suppliers will enter a newly deregulated area only with the idea of selling their book to another supplier.
  14. Some suppliers promote “customer choice” yet their rates are above the utility rates.
  15. Many suppliers have fixed rates $0.50 to $2.00/dth or $5-$20/KWh above market pricing.  But unless companies compare, they never know.

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

Leave the Tricks and Pitfalls for someone else. Put your utility and supplier to the test here!


Work with Bmark Energy:
Today's energy markets are at 7-year lows and we work with over 150 energy suppliers throughout the US.



The two most successful components of energy purchasing are Market Timing and Multiple Supplier Quotes.

Bmark Energy began in 1993 when California deregulated its natural gas industry, and now serves companies nationwide as a deregulation center, for multiple supplier quotes, energy consulting and energy savings for natural gas and electricity.

Deregulation equals energy choice, which is why both www.electricityderegulation.com and www.naturalgasderegulation.com point directly to us.