Renewable Energy
Solar – Wind – Biogas – RNG – RNG attributes
Solar & Storage Installations
Reduce operating expenses and reliance on grid energy with solar and storage.
The power that the solar panels generate can be used directly onsite, stored for later use during peak times. This power is 100% sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective, to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions.
Solar / Battery installations have lowered some electricity costs by over 90%.

Benefits for your business
- Lower your electricity costs
- Gain budget stability
- Generate revenue
- Reduce demand costs
- Custom solar solution
- Worry-free investment w/10 year guarantees
- Experienced track record

Different how? Aside from the composition difference between land and sea applications, these offshore turbines are BIG. For example: The vertical base to propeller pivot is about 500’ high. And each of the blades is approximately 300’ long, or about the size of a football field. Put two blades together (end to end) and approximate diameter of turbine spin is about 600’ or about the size of two football fields.

Biogas or Renewable Natural Gas
Biogas or Renewable Natural Gas is in great demand, especially for those who want to be environmentally green for their natural gas as well as electricity supply.
Most companies, concerned with the environment, prefer biogas over regular brown gas, as it takes other feedstock and gases, which are normally dissipated into the atmosphere, and processes these gases into pipeline grade natural gas, which can then be reused as a “renewable” gas.

Renewable Natural Gas Attributes
Save over 75% off RNG costs.
Renewable natural gas (RNG) at $40/ MMBtu versus RNG “attributes” at $5/ MMBtu.
Meet your company’s internal sustainable goals with RNG Attributes.
These attributes are about ¼ the cost of RNG and immediately available.

Currently 3,000 mmbtu/day available.
Renewable Natural Gas Attributes are available at $5/dth, and easily attached to your company’s current gas supply. Combined they can meet your corporate environmental requirements for renewable natural gas.
Renewable Natural Gases
Biogas or Renewable Natural Gas is in great demand, especially for those who want to be environmentally green for their natural gas as well as electricity supply.
Most companies, concerned with the environment, prefer biogas over regular brown gas, as it takes other feedstock and gases, which are normally dissipated into the atmosphere, and processes these gases into pipeline grade natural gas, which can then be reused as a “renewable” gas.

Renewable Natural Gas
Renewable BioGas
Renewable Jet Fuel
Renewable Diesel
Renewable Military Fuel

Virtual Pipelines
Delivering natural gas to off-grid projects in North America.
by offering delivery by truck, rail, and ocean tanker solutions.
Contact us to learn how to use less, pay less, and generate your own, to reduce your energy spend.