Combined Heat and Power Cogeneration
Does your company pay on average more than 6 cents/kWh for electricity?
That’s a combined total of utility generation, transmission and distribution charges
If so a combined Heat & Power (CHP) is likely for you!
Then ask these questions
Are you concerned about the impact of current or future energy costs on business?
What about power reliability?
Is there a substantial financial impact to your business if/when the power goes out for 3 hours or 1 hour or 5 minutes?
Does your facility operate for more than 3,000 hours per year?
Do you have thermal loads throughout the year (steam, hot water, chilled water, hot air, etc.)?
Does your facility have an existing central plant?
Do you expect to replace, upgrade, or retrofit central plant equipment within the next 3 – 5 years?
Do you anticipate a facility expansion or new construction project within the next 3 – 5 years?
Have you implemented energy efficiency
measures and still have high energy costs?
Are you interested in reducing your facility’s impact on the environment?