Pacific Gas & Electric

Use our 38 years of utility service experience in California.
It now costs more to transport most electricity through the utility power lines and natural gas pipeline ​system​s than it does for the cost of the commodity​ itself.

We provide three energy cost-savings methods to companies.
“Use Less” Reduce total energy spend (utility & commodity)
“Pay Less” Energy brokering, exchanges, and reverse auctions.
“Generate Your Own” Take command of all generation options.


Self-generation options help companies avoid utility curtailments. Increased reliability and lower energy costs, are a great solution. Come off the grid and realize the benefits.

Energy as a Service

Our program includes increased energy efficiency, infrastructure & building upgrades, with sensors and controls by utilizing renewables and generation technology.

Power Generation

All On-Grid / Off-Grid supply solutions. Gas-fired, wind, solar, hydro, fuel cells, cogeneration, CNG, LNG virtual pipeline, and gas turbines.

Deregulated Electricity

1-10 year terms, 100% swing tolerance. Energy brokering, exchange & reverse auction platforms. Available for businesses in deregulated utilities throughout CA & U.S.

Deregulated Natural Gas

1-10 year terms, 100% swing tolerance. Energy brokering, exchange & reverse auction platforms. Available for businesses in deregulated utilities throughout CA & U.S.

Renewable Energy

All things renewable - Increase
sustainability. Solar PV / battery backup, wind, hydro, Biomass, Bio Gas, RNG, RNG attributes.

Contact us to learn how to use less, pay less, and generate your own, to reduce your energy spend.